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FAQ-AI for Science
Allgemeine Fragen
What is the snap Brain Learning Solution and how does it work?
answer to it
What are the advantages of using BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) in research and teaching?
answer to it
For which areas of application is the solution particularly suitable?
answer to it
Technische Fragen
In which formats can trained models be exported?
Can the software train AI models without programming knowledge?
How is EEG synchronization implemented in real time?
What technical requirements (e.g. RAM, CPU) are needed?
What hardware and software are required to use the snap Brain-Learning solution?
answer to this
Is the solution compatible with existing EEG headsets and motion sensors?
answer to this
Anpassung und Integration
Do you offer support in planning and setting up individual interfaces?
How can the snap Brain-Learning solution be adapted to specific projects?
Wirtschaftliche und organisatorische Aspekte
Are there funding opportunities for research institutions?
What is the difference between snap.Solo, snap.All-in-One and snap.Combination?
Can I buy hardware and software separately, or are there complete solutions?
What specific applications are possible in the field of biomechanics?
What advantages does the software bring for neuroscience and sports science?
How is the solution used in medicine for diagnostics and therapeutic approaches?
What opportunities does the system offer for marketing and sales?
How does the solution support the analysis of EEG data in psychology?
Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Support
Are there tutorials or training courses on how to use the software?
What support does your team offer in setting up and using the solution?
Is the software also suitable for users without programming knowledge?
Datensicherheit und Weiterentwicklung
Can existing models be further trained and optimized?
How often are the AI models updated?
How is data protection ensured when analyzing EEG data?
Weitere Informationen
What additional features does the snap Brain-Learning solution offer that comparable products do not have?
Which licensing models do you offer for the snap Brain-Learning solution?
Can I test the solution before purchasing?
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