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FAQ-AI for Industry
Allgemeine Fragen
What is the main goal of the system?
answer to this
What are the advantages of automating and digitizing quality control?
In which industries or production environments can the system be used?
Technische Fragen
Which technologies are used in quality control?
How does AI-based quality control work?
What types of tests can be performed with the system?
Is the system compatible with existing production lines?
answer to this
Which camera systems are used and how are they selected?
answer to it
Anpassung und Flexibilität
How is the system adapted to the specific requirements of my company?
Can existing AI models be further developed or trained?
What possibilities does the snap Vision toolbox offer for independent AI training?
Integration und Implementierung
How easy is the integration into existing production systems?
How long does it take to implement the system?
answer to it
What support does your team offer during the integration?
Wirtschaftliche Aspekte
How can the system help reduce costs?
What savings can be achieved by reducing scrap and rework?
Are there any funding opportunities or financial assistance for implementation?
Spezifische Anwendungsfälle
Can the system also detect small defects such as scratches or dents?
How exactly does OCR text recognition work?
Can positioning errors and missing components also be detected?
answer to it
Support und Weiterentwicklung
What kind of support is offered after implementation?
Are there training courses or tutorials on how to use the snap Vision toolbox?
How can the system be adapted to new requirements?
Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit
How does the system ensure uninterrupted production?
How secure is data processing in the system?
What happens if errors occur in the production line?
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